Thursday, November 28, 2013

Diarrhea: When Sh*t Happens, Explicitly.

Oh, so you say toothache is the worst kind of ache in the world. Well, why don't you try DIARRHEAAA.

This is (so far) the most underestimated "ache" by human being. At least by me. Reason is, I never had one. Until now. I don't know how it starts... I don't know what freaking food trigger is.. what I know now is... Shit happens. Explicitly!

There goes all the planaheads, all 10 to-do-list beautifully crafted to be  finished once-and-for-all by this week, my 3 classes presences, and the ability to appreciate food. So here's to sum up the diary of Sarah fighting diarrhea, just in case if you happen to get one, you know what NOT to do.

Day 0 - this monday.
My body was in constant nag. It is like an invisible rope tighten in every joint of mine, trying to lag every step I took. "Maybe it was because of  those two-afternoons-in-a-row jogging, which is like, since 2 years ago." I thought. Then, on a stormy afternoon, I woke up from a pain-combatting nap with waterfall dripping all over my body, and a hot forehead. Wait what - a fever?

Day 1 - this tuesday. 
Slept with horrorly-woken-up for 200 times, all sweaty and hot (eww..). "OK, I am so in fever." convinced me to myself, ready to take some orange-flavoured crunchable kiddos fever tablet a.k.a. INZANA :3  (oh yes, Paracetamol is sooo dangerous). Until... I finally get up with urge to, you know, Nature calls. Which is also...waterfalls. Ugh, no. no. no.  Best thing - dorm's water supply has a trouble for autofill the main tanks, hence at first there is no water at all to poo. Use drinking water in bottles instead. I miss my mum :(

Waterfall comes out again and again and again. This is NOT fever, gentlemen. this. is. the. freaking. DIARHEEAAA. First time had I encounter this fellow, yet he is so mean. I was left motionless, mindless, purposeless (except to store waterfalls) on my bed by these powerful bacterias inside my tummy. Total bedrest.


I still saved one back from my first-aid-kit in 2010 for Freshman Training Camp. Woooohooooo, an ancient recipe. Expired in 2016 though.. I read the label that says..
for 12 years and above :12 glasses. 
WTF??? 12 glasses of oralite-water to be drink in a row??? are you insane???
well, since I had just one sachet at all, why not give it a glass try?
... not working. Too low dose the bacterias laughing at me now. 

D-COMBAT 2# D****T CAPSULES : from my first aid kit yet again. I actually admires the herbal composition as it is composed by leaf of delima, peels of kunyit, and everything else convincingly cool (YES, I hate modern pharmacy). But, buddy, you make one HUGE mistake. IT IS CAPSULES! Capsules are, one of the last thing I can swallow peacefully since 5 y.o. So I poured out the content to spoon and drank.
... no change. vomit now. 

 it is popular, right? that deep, black tea can cure the D. So, very nicely my partner gave me a visit with a requested box of tea and two doughnuts which was for my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, since I cannot swallow anything.
...provide a very calming warm effect to the disturbed belly. Yet, no significant change. But, recover my stamina to open some important e-mails. Thanks, partner :*

 Day 3 - this wednesday.
my stamina has come back a bit...  could read some journal stuff. My partner yet nicely came again with black-tablet-oralite and strawberry juice which was claimed to help stop diarrhea. "HUH! See who got stuff here!" yelled me to the bacteria army.

works wonderfully! It shrinkes waterfalls into loser mud volcano (if you don't understand, God bless you). I gained my confidence, that nothing is impossible. Can eat Tom Yum without protests.
but wait... the mud volcano consistently pour small.... 

 Day 4 - today.
"This is the last day of your existence!!!!" claim me on the victory of diarrhea combat. And to my partner, too. Small eruptions did not matter... maybe it just the last stuff to push out.
....until I decided to eat a portion of Sirloin steak for my dinner, which is also my lunch (its hard to want to eat anything with this kind of clingy colon, duh).


  also called as level-2 oralite. It is just a 2 mm sphere yet (hopefully) so powerful. Well, you can see, as right now I can type this without a follow-up urge to go to the toiled since 1 hr ago, can say THIS IS IT. Woohow.

Moral of the story
1. If you have one, go for D**tabs. It is good enough. If it does not work.. well wait for my result in Imodium.
2. Diarrhea is a b*tch.  If you catch one, follow my no.1 advice without delay, before your world fell apart.
3. Shit happens.. deal with it.

Wish me luck. I will come back for medicacy updates.
Doctors? last, last option. Why? I told you, I hate modern pharmacy... and they tend to give me all of it, no offense.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I surrender.

I’ve been digging through blogosphere since middle school. To be fair, I’ve been writing (and whining) since 3rd grade. It always has such a warm, sun-gleaming cute-flickering light filter everytime I mesmerize those times: innocent little girl was happily typing through Windows 98 in a whitish computer lab during an extracullicular activities called “Writing Class” (look how dorkly I was :p). That warming video filter still goes (though fading away exponentially) when I recall my time of blogging glory, where I met good pals, had writegasms, discovered cool things, and thoroughly entertained.

well, for the record, here they are. --> my first ever blog. cute huh. --> a.k.a the just-reaches-puberty girl who try to be funny -->  the Geoscience blog that went so viral that it is adopted as the official site for Indonesian team and generate me a fanbase J
My brain is fuzzy right now. Uhh, sweet, sweet memories..
Now, here I am, the super duper busy university student of Geological Engineering. Wow. there are two emphasises on the phrase:
  1. it is engineering. meaning = bye bye my ¾ portion of normal human free time
  2. it is geology. meaning = bye bye my weekends with fieldtrips and my weekdays with non-stop lab work. Not to mention reports. and assignments. and fieldtrips.
Don’t get it wrong though. I love it.  I love being a future geologist wannabe. Geology is the one and only subject which satisfy both my science/tech fetish and my strongly visual, imaginative mind. Not to mention, it is most likely get well paid. Conclusion: It equals paradise.But, somehow something feels like missing. Almost three years without a casual article written a single time.. it does make my heart itch. Okay, okay, false. I did write a blog (containing a single post and never have make time to continue) back in 2011:

But really! I can’t count numerous occasions when there is a hidden screen in the back of my head, projecting about me conveniently sitting before my Dell laptop, casually typing my head (and heart) out into decent blog contents. Everytime I encountered cool daily stuff “bloggable”, that “blogging commercial” strikes again.Apart from all extensive writing I’ve done in the current university life (paper, paperworks, assignments, researches, reports, that other site I admin, a newsletter, even that abandoned blog)... lacking of the writing which is decently casual empties my soul. But, then again, I’ve got like 4 blogs already. Yet none of them survive to an acceptable period of active writing. Why?? Why, Sau?!!

Today, I’ve found the answer.
Probably, it is because I wanted it to be perfect.

Actually, another commercial always follows that other commercial running: that somehow my blog will be my financial lifesaver, or something super-original, super-famous masterpiece that will save me a place in heaven.While this is a good motivation, it also has its curse. I became a control freak. Yeah, each and every article has somehow to be written in a perfect way that promotes updateness, charm, wittiness, usefulness, or funninest needing to be taken care with extra polishing. Damn-extensive extra polishing. Or that I set myself an obligatory frequency of blogging, which is a total burden.

Now, just because my Google account is lacking of a personal blog.. why not writing again? J but this time, I surrender. I don’t care about impressing folks anymore. So, if you bear with me, you’ll see articles that is roughly a one-take only writings. With style that reflects me. Here is the mantra: live without bullshit.

 However, since I am an interesting person, you will be equally entertained anyway.  
Or not.
I don’t care :p

Thanks for reading!

SPOILER: I’ve just revisited, apparently every first post is a nostalgic one. Waaay more complete than this. Haha. Visit that one for details!